Florida Panthers

For three years, Block Party was the agency of record for the NHL’s Florida Panthers. In shaping that creative over the years, we were able to direct the conversation around hockey in South Florida, and challenge some of the preconceived notions around the region. The result was an increased fan presence, increased merchandise, and increased attendance.

Creative Director. Director.


Not a Hockey Town

Needless to say, hockey is an afterthought in South Florida. And the few hockey fans who do live there are transplants from other locations around the US and Canada. They already have the team they cheer for. The Florida Panthers had a perception problem - not to mention a tickets sales problem. We confronted the problem head on, by announcing and then denouncing all the claims and critiques against the Panthers and their fans. By calling the campaign "Not a Hockey Town," we freed the team from pretending to be something it’s not, and instead shifted the focus to their particular place within the rich, culturally diverse entertainment offerings in South Florida.


Born Into It

The vast majority of the population in South Florida are not from Florida. But the Florida Panthers are not from South Florida either. To show the parallels between the Panthers and their fans, we created a film series that highlighted the simple fact that everyone comes from somewhere. This led to a sold out crowd for opening night, a surge in season ticket sales, and their highest attendance in history.

Also, they finished in first place. Not saying we had anything to do with that. But not saying we didn’t either.


Bank of America


Crest Kids